Sócio Leões do Norte

by Dataclick



New Venice | Northern Lions MemberOnly those who are part of the Leão do Norte Partner have advantages and incredible experiences. Only Nova Venécia supporters have access to the exclusive contents of the programs official APP! Check out:• Interactive home with updated information;• News and videos with exclusive content;• Live broadcasts;• Integrated Advantage Partner Club;• Digital card on cell phone;• Detailed financial statement;• Fast payment with real-time lows;• Calendar of games and events;• Smart Check-in and Check-out;• "Push" notification system;• Editing and updating of profile data;• Online support.Important!- Keep the app always up to date and leave your review.The official APP of the Sócio Leões do Norte program is periodically monitored by our development team, which will always be attentive to comments, criticisms and suggestions. Come and be a part!